Friday, November 21, 2014

Quiz - Factors and Multiples

In class students took a quiz on factors and multiples.  There is no homework.  Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Quiz Review - Factors and Multiples

In class students reviewed for their quiz on Friday 11/20 that will cover the following topics:

1) Divisibility Rules for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12....know the rules/tricks
2) Factoring
3) Prime Factorization
4) Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
5) Least Common Multiple (LCM)

Students should also be familiar with the prime factorization method to find GCF/LCM using a Venn Diagram.

The homework is to study for the quiz but I also put up a second quiz review sheet, along with the answer key, that students can use to study for the assessment. The assignment is optional but good practice.

Review - Factors and Multiples

Answer Key - Review - Factors and Multiples


Monday, November 17, 2014

Least Common Multiple (LCM) and Venn Diagrams

In class students learned how to use the list method to find the least common multiple of 2 or more numbers.  Afterwards, students learned how to use a Venn diagram to find both the GCF and LCM of two numbers.  The list method is fine when dealing with small numbers but the prime factorization method (Venn diagram) is great for larger numbers.

The homework is listed below and the notes are attached.

Notes - LCM and Venn Diagrams

HW - Read pgs. 218-219
          Complete pgs. 220-221 (10-40 even)

**Quiz Friday on:  (a) Divisibility Rules, (b) Factoring, (c) Prime Factorization,
                                 (d) GCF and (e) LCM.**

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Greatest Common Factor (GCF)

In class students reviewed the divisibility rules, factoring and prime factorization.  Afterwards students learned how to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 2 or more numbers using the list method.

The Notes and Homework is attached below.

Notes - Greatest Common Factor (GCF)

HW - Div. Rules, Factoring, PF and GCF

Monday, November 10, 2014

Divisibilty Rules, Factoring and Prime Factorization

In class students were introduced to the divisibility rules for the number s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 12.  There are specific rules for each number and students should pay close attention to the rules for 3, 4, 6, 9 and 12 as it may be the first time they have encountered the rules.  Below, I have attached a reference sheet with the rules:

Reference Sheet - Divisibility Rules

Afterwards, students learned how to use the divisibility rules to factor and fins the prime factorization of a number.  We will finish the notes next class but in the meantime I have attached a document with examples of factoring and prime factorization:

Examples - Factoring and Prime Factorization

The homework is listed below.

HW - Read pgs. 161-162
          Complete pg. 163 (13-21)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Test - Integers

In class students took a test on integers.  Afterwards, students read two sections from the textbook on divisibility rules and prime factorization.

The handou is linked below and we will go over it on Monday Nov. 10.

 Handout - Divisibility Rules

There is no homework.